A Path to Inner Happiness

  1. Lets envision the very best of you.

If you want something in life, the first step is to envision it. You will never achieve a goal that you can’t see yourself reaching. It doesn’t matter what you are going after in life: a career change, personal relationship, business goal or materialistic object. You have to first have the courage to see those goals happening and believe in yourself. A lot of people don’t do this because of lack of clarity and courage.

  1. Imperfections are part of our life

None of us live in a perfect world. If you think that striving for perfection, in your personal or professional life, will lead to happiness, you will be running in circles and eventually become disappointed. If you see from God’s point of you everything is perfect as they are. Accept -learn – move on.

  1. Let’s see what your gut and heart is saying

We have to make difficult decisions on a daily basis, both in our personal lives and in business. You have to learn to listen to your gut and heart. While opinions and suggestions from friends and family may be made with good intentions, you, not them, know deep down what’s going to make you happy. Belive yourself and trust your capabilities that’s the key. In the end, it’s your decisions, not anyone else’s, that will lead you to happiness.

  1. Lets find your purpose.

It’s much easier to discover your inner happiness when you get to do something every day that you love. It doesn’t always have to be for monetary reasons — many people are happy because they are part of a bigger picture or because they get to impact the lives of other people in a positive manner. So what are you contributing back from your purpose?

  1. Surround yourself with other happy people.

Relationships in our personal and professional lives fail when there is a toxic individual in the equation. So, put yourself together with someone that makes you smile in your personal life, and build your business with people that are also happy individuals. Joy and happiness is contagious, but so is toxicity, so be wise when choosing whom you surround yourself with. If you know how to live with yourself you are the luckiest person on this planet believe me.

  1. Why to blame ?

It’s easy to blame someone else if you aren’t happy, but you control 100 percent of your journey. If you aren’t happy, it’s entirely on your shoulders to make the necessary changes. When we blame ourselves or others we are depleting our energy. You will find inner happiness much sooner, once you realize this and take control.

  1. Make time for yourself and people around you.

Time is our most valuable asset, and none of us can buy more of it. In my opinion time is energy, very expensive so use it wisely. What we can do, though, is make sure that we make time for the things and people we love. Set aside time for your hobbies and personal escapes that bring you joy, and make time for those people in your life that you hold close to your heart. You will find your inner happiness after realizing that your time is more valuable than any materialistic possession or amount of wealth.

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