How Do We Introspect Our Mental Health as The Year Comes to An End?

Conducting a self-analysis to check on your mental health is a form of self-care and when we want the best out of our lives, it becomes more critical to introspect about our mental health sensibly. With the new year knocking at the door, it is a chance and a sign for everyone to start fresh, heal, improve and boost their mental health.


Acknowledging the room for improvement: whether it be our anger issues, anxiety, insecurity, low self-esteem anything that drags us under the shadow of doubts & overthinking; it is time to buck up, manifest & make a path for positivity to enter our lives. To start right and have an efficient approach towards the way to analyse our mental health, adopting practices like meditation, mindfulness, yoga, or seeing a therapist, or a counsellor can be a great help.


Fix yourselves: Most of us are tainted and bruised by our past experiences. Many of us are grown in a toxic environment within our families, survived a violent/abusive relationship, betrayed and unloved. If it still haunts you then it’s high time to heal! Forgive, learn a lesson & move on to keep your sanity intact. Seek professional help if it is disrupting your ability to function in the workplace in relationships.

Just ask yourself, “are you at peace?”: Your peace of mind is more important than anything else in this world. Are you at peace with someone you are in a relationship with, in your family, at your workplace, with that friend of yours, and most importantly “with yourself”? If you are struggling to find happiness, peace & containment then your mental health is certainly is in a compromised state. It is crucial that you give a high priority to your mental health by identifying the force that is draining your peace of mind.


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