Our Programs

“Discover Wellness”

One day, two hours

Introduction to Dimensions of Wellness – Health | Mind| Heart| Soul

The aim of this workshop is to satisfy your body, mind and soul – The Trinity.

“Wellness Retreat-Introduction to Holistic Yoga with Inner Silence.”

Half Day Retreat

There are not many people today who are good at sitting still for long periods of time in silence,- but we need both. Yoga is an excellent way to get our minds and spirits into a place of stillness, the practice of moving with the breath does for restless, active people what traditional meditation practice does for those more predisposed to it.

Holistic Yoga is

Event Schedule

Mindfulness Workshop:

Program: One day, Two hours

Learning from the workshop:

In the end, it seeks to develop three key characteristics of mindfulness:

A Heartful Journey

Program: 4 days one hour daily

Learning from the workshop:

Wellness for You: one to one program

Wellness for You is a one-to-one program, customized program as per your requirements.

Mind The Mind: A Mindful Leadership Program

2 days, 2 hours each day

Day 1

Day 2

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