The Five Best Ways to Declutter Your Mind

Clutter doesn’t have to exist in our physical environment only. A cluttered state can be “mental” as well, which can severely take a toll not only on your mental health but emotional & physical health as well. Hence, your mind requires a “tidier space” and a filter from unwarranted information, thoughts of trauma/past, guilt, insecurities, worries fear, anxiety, and everything that doesn’t contribute to your growth. So, decluttering your mind is a wise way to start and help yourself take care of your overall well-being. Here let’s discuss the five best ways to declutter your mind:


1. Meditation: It helps you improve focus, attain an optimum mental health level, reduce stress, be more in control, and smartly deal with anxiety and other issues that are distracting you from being the best version of yourself. Meditation is a wise way to start decluttering your mind and experience a higher consciousness.


2. Limit Social-media Engagement: Bombarding your brain with junk content all day long and every day adds to the brain clutter, as your mind gets piled up by addictive entertainment and your thoughts and feelings overwhelm by triggering posts, so it is time to take a break! Disengaging or limiting social media absorption can free up your mind for more mindful energy & activities.

3. Reduce Multitasking & Pursue Priorities: A multitasker’s personality may look efficient at the surface but it is burdening your mind by filling it with too much activity. Set your priorities right and concentrate on one task at a time to refrain from mental overload, this will also allow you to perform best according to your capability.


4. Release Your Thoughts: Maybe you are someone who is an overthinker, a creative one, or simply a person with a cluttered mind. Keeping all your thoughts & feelings in your head can quickly become unmanageable. To create some headspace, release your mental data, by writing over a note app on your phone/computer or just start journaling or you can speak your mind to a professional counselor, a therapist, or a reliable friend.


5. Exercise: Physical exercise not only challenges your body but your brain as well by demanding more willpower, determination, focus, and discipline. It helps develop and build mental energy that further enables you to efficiently control your mind, memory, and thoughts & create a better mental space.

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